
Jamie E. Pring, At A Safe Distance: Forwarding US Interests in the South China Sea Issue through the ADMM-Plus

Mô tả
This paper examines the possible extent by which US’  interests in the South China Sea dispute can be forwarded through its participation in the ADMM-Plus. It begins with a brief overview of the developments  of the ASEAN Defense Sectoral Body under the ASEAN Community, specifically the strengths of the ADMM-Plus. After which, this paper recalls several recent military activities which, despite being declared as friendly, have aggravated the tension in the area. It then examines the interests of three key players in the South China Sea issue (as far as this paper is concerned), the United States, China and the ASEAN.  The paper was presented at conference "Prospects of Cooperation and Convergence of the Issues and Dynamics in South China Sea", May 31, 2011, Jakarta, Co organized by Centre for Asian Strategic Studies - India
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