
Renato De Castro, Abstract of The Risk of Applying Realpolitik in Resolving the South China Sea Dispute: Implications on Regional Security

Mô tả
This paper examines the implications of China’s realpolitik approach in its territorial claim over the South China Sea on regional security. It observes that China is using the following power-politics tactics with regard to its territorial claims: a) citing a historic claim; b) applying bilateral approach to weaken the ASEAN; c) relying on a divide and rule stratagem in dealing with individual ASEAN member states and creating a wedge between the ASEAN and the United States; and d) buttressing its naval capabilities to enable it resolve the territorial dispute according to its own terms. In conclusion, the paper argues that China’s use of realpolitik approach in resolving the South China Sea dispute will cause East Asia’s future to become Europe’s past.
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